On the 26th November 2024, Autisme Maurice celebrated its 15th anniversary. To mark this milestone, a musical entitled “Briser les Barrieres: Une leçon de vie” (Break down the barriers: a life lesson) tracing the history of the organisation was performed at Caudan Arts Centre on the same date.
Inclusion Mauritius held a residential seminar for 50 young “Self-Advocates” on the 4th, 5th and 6th November 2024. The main theme of the seminar was “Transformative solutions for an inclusive Development: The role of innovation in fostering accessibility and equity” and the topics covered included: what is inclusive development, why inclusion is essential for people with disabilities, the key areas of inclusive development, the benefits of an inclusive development and the importance of policies and strategic partnerships.
To mark its 18th anniversary, on 14th October, T1 Diams released a new song entitled “Mo Larmé”. A song written and performed by 2 beneficiaries, namely Elodie Permalloo and Marvin Matthieu Ernest.
In a spirit of sharing of knowledge and practices, ANFEN is holding a “psychosocial” training intended to professionals offering psychosocial support to children and adolescents. The training is entitled: “Psychosocial support to children and adolescents in situations of vulnerability so that they can develop their resilience, hope and the right to a future.” (prise en charge psychosociale des enfants et adolescents en situation de vulnérabilité afin de les aider a retrouver leurs capacités résilientes, l’espoir et le droit a l’avenir.)
On World Sexual Health Day celebrated across the world on 4th September 2024, PILS held its Open Day at its “centre Communautaire Nou Vi La/Centre Banian” in Port Louis. An opportunity to showcase the services the organisation offers there and to celebrate the journey of PILS since 1996 through an exhibition of tshirts collected by Nicolas Ritter over the years illustrating the history and commitment of the organisation at local, regional and international level.