Haemophilia Association of Mauritius (HAM)


HAM is dedicated to improving the quality of life of persons living with Haemophilia and other bleeding disorders in Mauritius.

Numéro d'accréditation auprès du National Social Inclusion FoundationN /1349

1. Creating awareness amongst the public on Haemophilia
2. Advocacy in favour of persons suffering from Haemophilia vis-a-vis the Government for better treatment
3. Organising regular medical updates for Mauritian Doctors from International Health Care Professionals on different issues pertaining to Haemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders
4. Medical testing of potential patients
5. Counselling to beneficiaries on effective treatment
6. Home visits


Persons suffering from Haemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders.
Number of beneficiaries - 95

The Association was formed in 2008 by a handful of parents and patients in order to improve the medical care being given to people living with Haemophilia in Mauritius.

1.1 to create awareness on Haemophilia and other bleeding disorders; 
1.2 to network with related associations at local, regional and international levels
1.3 to raise funds to support patients suffering from Haemophilia and other bleeding disorders;
1.4 to advocate for improved treatment and management of Haemophilia and other bleeding disorders;
1.5 to advocate for adequate supply of safe treatment products;
1.6 educating and empowering patients with bleeding disorders to help them live healthier, longer and more productive lives;
1.7 facilitate training healthcare professionals in the field to properly diagnose and manage patients;
1.8 to do all such things that are conductive to the attainment of the above objects.

  • Many persons have been sensitized on Haemophilia and started treatment without which they could face severe health complication or even early death.
  • Clotting Factor Concentrate is available at the five regional hospitals
  • Over 300 Health Care Professionals trained
  • Medical Alert bracelets issued to patients \
  • National register was developed
  • CSR
  • Private donation
  • Flag Days
  • Fundraising Events
  • International funders
Nos actus
  • Légende  Photo 3_ Rajesh Neelayya, Président de la Haemophilia Association of Mauritius.jpg
    QUESTIONS A : Rajesh Neelayya, Président de la Haemophilia Association of Mauritius
    Haemophilia Association of Mauritius (HAM)
    02 mai 2019
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Contactez cette ONG
  • Président
    Mr. Ramakrishna (Rajesh) Neelayya
  • Responsable
    Mrs. Mohsena Olath-Carramtally
  • Adresse

    2, Impasse des Camphriers, Mon Desir, Vacoas

Structure légale et d'enregistrement
Registration Number : 10712
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