Renforcement des capacités

Renforcement des capacités
  • To Train to Employ

    Registered under the provisions of the Registration of Association Act in 2015, to provide training to both NGOs and jobseekers and use technology to help in education for vulnerable groups.

    Main focus : 

    To foster focussed training on job readiness (Employability Skills Course) for groups consisting of youth and women to increase their self-confidence and prepare them to join the workplace and excel at their job.
    The main activities are:
    1. Training to vulnerable groups and NGOs
    2. Digital Literacy Programme
    3. Job connection with employers

    Téléphone : 242 4754

    Emails : |

    Address : 4th Floor Jade Court, Jummah Mosque Street. Port-Louis

    Main services : 1. Training 2. IT tools 3. Job Connection with Employers

    Targeted audience: Vulnerable Groups (Youth and Women): 150


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